Category: Career

Articles Related to Career

An Intro into the Career Subgroup

Our Focus

Improving career opportunities for BAME staff at all levels. In partnership with external recruiters and career coaches we develop bespoke initiatives and workshops. We target supporting both individuals and shaping structural changes within member organisations and across the sector. .

Project Lead: Anthony Were

Who is in your subgroup?

What have you been working on?

Imposter Syndrome Workshops

‘Imposter Syndrome’ is the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills. The webinar equips participants with the best evidence-based knowledge currently available about imposter syndrome and train you in a range of proven techniques that you can apply to overcome it.

Career Coaching

Career coaching can empower professionals by helping them make informed decisions about their trajectory. It’s a solution-based approach to career decisions.

Development Diagnostics

Tools to help participants develop an understanding of their own leadership styles, strengths and development areas.

Unconscious Bias Training in Recruitment

Unconscious biases are learned stereotypes that are automatic, unintentional, deeply ingrained, universal, and able to influence behavior. The more we all learn and understand our unconscious bias, the more we can become aware of how this affects our decision making. This has positive outcomes in lots areas of the organisation and we have carried out a lot of unconscious training and coaching in this area.

What do we need help on?

Virtual shadowing

Do you want to learn more about a role or what a day in the life of colleague is like?

Tell us if you would like to take part in this initiative; whether shadowing or offering your time to be shadowed.

Skills workshops around specific areas

Tell us what is important to you? How can external recruiters help?

For example public speaking, media exercises, job application, CV and Supporting Statement support, the lifecycle of a recruitment process.

Creation of affinity groups/networking groups

Tell us what groups or specialist areas we should be focusing on?

Begin establishing wider networks, we could start a virtual networking session on things such as BAME women in property, committee and board skills, BAME talent in development or digital and technology. 

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